In 2014 as Max embarked on a new thematic direction with his Lightwork series, his sculpture was similarly affected.
“As I began to use more colour in my paintings and Lightworks, so too my sculptures became more abstract and colourful. I wanted my work to reflect the time in which they were made. This was a time when 3D printing was beginning. I was fortunate enough to have access to the latest in scanning technology, and so I began to play.” Max’s sculpture continues to embody this playful element and simplification of form. He expands upon what he does by looking ever outward for new ways of realising concepts.
Inspired by the Infinity and Droplet series, Max’s latest sculptures see the transformation of the two-dimensional coloured hemispheres into 3D iterations. Bubble-like in form, the new Cluster and Random Circular works embody the essential principles of Max’s practice; how light, colour, shape and form create a response to space and our place in it. These new works take up space, towering over us or flowing over expanses of a wall; they demand our attention.